
Cremation Pricing

Cremation Pricing

To help you understand all of the costs associated with cremation and make an informed decision, we’ve broken them down in our general price list. We also have a variety of payment options to ease the financial burden of honoring your loved one so that you can give them the service they deserve. If you need any assistance or have questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. Our staff is happy to help you explore all the options available to you.



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At Sunflower Cremation we insure quality and dedication to our families and community. OUR COMMITMENT TO YOUR FAMILY is - 100% SERVICE GUARANTEE. We will answer all your questions in a clear and understandable manner. We will provide you with peace of mind knowing you are dealing with professional, and licensed funeral director that will assist you with every detail of your arrangements.“Thank you for placing your trust and confidence in the staff of Sunflower Cremation”.

Please contact our staff for a full general price list

Sunflower Cremation Simple Cremation Package


The package includes the basic services of the funeral director and staff, transfer of the body from the place of death, refrigeration, cremation process, filing of death certificate, filing for Social Security Benefit. Sunflower Cremation basic online obituary posting including online guestbook. Returning of cremain remains to person designated within the Authorization for Cremation and Disposition.

Sunflower Veteran Cremation Package


The package includes the basic services of the funeral director and staff, transfer of the body from the place of death, refrigeration, cremation process, filing of death certificate, filing for  Social Security Benefits. Sunflower Cremation basic online obituary posting including online guestbook, one basic urn, one standard American Flag, scheduling all paperwork for burial at Veterans National Cemetery with Military Honors, Taps and Flag presentation for all branches of service and disposition of the cremated remains by re-turning to person designated within the Authorization for Cremation and Disposition.


Sunflower Scatter at Sea Cremation Package


The package includes the basic services of the funeral director and staff, transfer of the body from the place of death, refrigeration, cremation process, filing of death certificate, filing for Social Security Benefit, one official scattering at sea memorialization certificate, Sunflower Cremation basic online obituary posting including online guestbook and disposition of the cremated remains by scattering loved one at sea with licensed funeral director.



*Price reflect boat service charge. 

* Refunds will not be issued for package sale goods or services that are not used by the customer at the time of need

Sunflower Cremation
Phone: (954) 824-6001

© Sunflower Cremation
Crafted with care by Frazer Consultants and TA

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